Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Verizon Phone Blocking

Verizon now allows subscribers to block the delivery of Premium Billed SMS messages. When a content provider attempts to send a PSMS message to a blocked phone, Verizon will return a specific error code, and the content provider needs to send a zero rated message to the subscriber to inform him of the blocking.

Verizon will also block the delivery of MMS messages to subscribers of Verizon resellers such as Tracfone, Airvoice, Page Plus, or West End, etc. A specific error message will be returned.

If the content provider observes this error during the delivery of a message that is part of a subscription, the content provider needs to cancel the subscription, and confirm to the subscriber that his subscription has been canceled.


Anonymous said...


I just called verizon and they say they do not support blocking of premium text messaging.

They indicated I could block all text messaging.

They said they could not block JUST premium sites which strikes me as baloney. If they can detect and bill for such, they can block such.

Anonymous said...

its cool . then i can be free of all the unwanted messages . is this in market still?

Anonymous said...

Very interesting change. Have you heard anything about carriers (especially Verizon and AT&T) no longer allowing PSMS on shared short codes?


Anonymous said...

Can you tell me how to get Verizon to do this? When I talked with them they stated that it was all or none with text messaging. I either had to give up text messaging or basically accept that we would continue to get unexplained charges on our bill.